
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 23:44:46
(1)      对各级管理者普及现代激励理论的应用技能,让各级管理者熟练掌握和运用激励的需求原理、期望原理和公平公正原理。准确分析、了解下属员工的主观职业动机、心理需求和思想状况,因势利导,尽可能满足员工正当的需求,特别是自尊、自我发展的高级需求。善于科学设定工作任务、工作目标和考核办法,鼓舞士气,激发斗志,迎合员工的上进心,激发他们工作的责任感和使命感。在公开透明的激励规则下,合理引导所有员工自愿朝着现代商业银行发展的目标而努力。本着对所有员工机会均等的原则,克服厚此薄彼、盲目攀比的不合理现象,以免造成员工的心理落差,挫伤多数员工的积极性。
(2)   激励手段上必须多样化,做到精神鼓励与物质刺激相结合,正面奖励与负面处罚相统一,既不能只讲贡献不讲报酬,也不能只讲金钱不讲风格。在市场经济经营环境中,要足够重视物质利益激励的普及面和力度,合理构造员工工资、现金奖励、期权奖励、保险福利、其他福利在员工总收入中的比重结构,逐步加大与绩效考评挂钩的奖金收入份额,形成全员参与“跳起来才能摘到桃子”的激励机制,变“相马”为“赛马”。

Fourth countermeasure: Establishes open style incentive mechanism to establish the open style incentive mechanism, the activation all staff's enthusiasm and the creativity. Has a set relatively scientific, the complete reassignment and stimulates the staff on the official duty post, the display enthusiasm, the creative rules and regulations, the policing method and the implementation measure, build the good working conditions and the enterprise culture atmosphere, maximum limit transfers all staff's work enthusiasm, increases their dedication to work and the sense of responsibility, so that the better attraction talented person, detains the talented person, with the good person talent, guides the organization goal which staff's professional behavior decides to the Commercial bank to come up, eliminates with organizes the goal disconformity to be suitable, has the possibility to bring the negative effect the negative behavior. The state-owned Commercial bank in bases on t